When You Are Misunderstood

The Reconciliation of Joseph and his Brothers, Peter CorneliusIt is the characteristic of our Adamic residue to find it difficult to believe in the nobility of others. Joseph’s brothers measured Joseph by themselves. In our suspicions of other people we often reveal ourselves and our own hearts.

There is scarcely anything more trying and searching in life than the experience of being misunderstood, with motives misconstrued and intentions distorted… When our good is evil spoken of, our best intentions misinterpreted, our loving actions suspected and even reviled, then is the opportunity for showing the true spirit of Christ and proving the reality of our profession.                                        – W.H. Griffith-Thomas, Commentary on Genesis

Father, forgive us for the times that we have righted the wrongs committed against us. Forgive us for the times that we have repaid evil with evil and not evil with good.

Thank you that there is One who into earth’s bitter waters of sin, injustice, hatred, and revenge poured a crimson flood to make them sweet.  Never was any man more unjustly sinned against.  The world Jesus loved drove nails into His hands and feet.  Yet He prayed to you, “Father, forgive them.”  Remind us Lord that we your servants are not above You, our Lord.  Help us this day to experience your forgiveness as we repent of our sin. Then, empower us to forgive others the same way that you have forgiven us for our good and Your glory, AMEN.

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